# Credits
Coda has been developed at LIMSI-CNRS (opens new window) by Jules Françoise (opens new window), and is released under the MIT Licence. The CO/DA project is funded by Réseau Francilien en Sciences Informatiques (DIM RFSI) of the French Ile-de-France region (Project n°XXXX).
# Contributors
- Jules Françoise
- Lucie Van Nieuwenhuyze
# Thanks
Coda would not exist without the tremendous work of other open-source contributors. Coda relies on several existing libraries:
- Most (opens new window): Monadic Event Stream
- Waves-JS (opens new window): Ircam's JS signal processing and sound synthesis tools.
- Vue (opens new window): The Progressive JavaScript Framework
- Tonal (opens new window): A functional music theory library for Javascript
- complex-js (opens new window): JavaScript Complex Math
- myo.js (opens new window): Myo javascript bindings